CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
2 x carpark runs
1 lap inchworm
1 lap spiderman lunge
20 scorpions F/B
Lower back/hipflexor 0;30 e/s
Twisted Cross 0:30 e/s
Front rack 0:30
Wrist 0:30 e/s
Calf 0:30 e/s
30 Calf Pumps
Each partner perform:
10 Barbell Good Mornings
3 Front Squats
3 Power cleans
3 Squat cleans
3 Push press
3 Thrusters
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
30 Power Cleans @70/50kg
800m Run
30 Squat Cleans @70/50kg
800m Run
50 Push Press @40/30kg
400m run
50 Thrusters @40/30kg
400m Run
– All Runs are together.
– No barbell work can be started until both partners are back at the barbell together.
– Share Barbell work evenly.
– Aim to work with someone we can share the same barbell with.
– Reduce weight as needed.
– If it rains we will share workload on:
Row: 1200m Row/800m
Bikes: 2500/1600m
Ski erg: 1000/600m
– if one partner is running and the other can’t, that team member occupies a machine until their partner returns.