CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Red banded internat/externat rotation x15
30 nose bridges
20 chest press
Rotate through:
60 sec row
60 sec wall squat
60 sec plank hold
3 rounds:
10 hollow rocks
5 kipping swings
5 scap pulls
40 calf pumps
Max Strict Pull-ups (3 x max reps 90 sec rest)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
8 min amrap:
20 x Double unders
5 T2B
20 x DU’s
6 T2B
20 x DU’s
7 T2B
Keep increasing T2B by 1 rep each round until time is up
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
7 Min amrap:
5 x Pull ups
4 x 10m laps Bear crawls
Metcon (Time)
Core Extras if time:
100 x plate twist @20/15kg
Each time your break stop and do 10 strict push ups before continuing.
6 min cap