CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
10 laps shuttle runs
2 laps high knees
2 laps butt flicks
4 laps side skips
15 x Internal/ext rotation
30 nose bridges
20 pass throughs
10 banded strict push- ups
2 rounds:
10 hollow rocks
10 Wall squats
5 scap pulls
Max Strict Pull-ups (3 sets max reps 2 mins rest. )
Use bands if you cannot get minmum 5 reps each round.
Record your total reps as one set but write your rep range in the comment box.
Metcon (No Measure)
Static Holds!
cycle through 2 sets:
30 sec plank hold
30 sec rest
30 sec Nose and toes HS-hold
30 sec rest
30 sec Hollow rock hold
30 sec rest
30 sec Handstand hold
30 sec rest
30 sec 90 degree HS-hold
30 sec rest.
10 minute running clock
Metcon (4 Rounds for time)
Every 4 minutes x 4 sets:
10 x HSPU
15 x Box Jump over@24/20 inch
15 x T2B