CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
20 red banded internal/external rotation
30 nose bridges
10 banded push-ups
In even groups rotate through in order:
60 sec bike
60 sec plank hold
60 Handstand hold
Carpark run
Metcon (No Measure)
5 mins on Handstand walking practice for max distance.
Scale: Handstand practice with a partner.
Kick up on wall 30 0n 30 off x 5 rounds.
Ring Dips (6 min EMOM x 3 reps)
Scale to stationary x 3 reps
box dips x 5 reps
Metcon (No Measure)
16 minute emom:
min 1- 5 fast push-ups+25 Dubz
min 2- 15 KBS @24/16
min 3- 4-8 HSPU
min 4- 20 sec AFAP AD