CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
30 sec twisted cross E/S
30 sec puppy dog pose
30 sec wrist/forearm front & Back
10 Tempo HRPU down slow/up fast
Team of 3:
Cycle through 3 sets:
P1: carpark run
P2: 2 laps banded crab walk
P3: 15 Green banded SLDL
Each partner cycle through one full barbell set:
5 Deadlift
5 Hang power clean
5 Push jerk.
There are 2 different weights for each half of this WOD.
Metcon (Time)
Teams of 3 (40 min cap)
120 Deadlifts
600m Run
90 Hang Power Clean
600m Run
60 Push Jerk
600m Run
5,000m Bike/Row/Ski
60 Push Jerk
600m Run
90 Hang Power Clean
600m Run
120 Deadlifts
*600m Run: 3 x 200m Relays
1st half barbell: 80/52kg
2nd Half Barbell: 70/47.5kg