CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
carpark run
Anterior seated shoulder stretches
Posterior delt/lat stretch
Puppy dog stretch
30 x Red banded pull aparts
10 banded pass throughs
10 banded Over head squats
30 sec spiderman lunge hold E/S
30 sec Glute stretch E/S
20 scorpions front back
30 sec lower back/hip flexor stretch E/s
60 sec hammy stretch
60 sec squat hold
1 x High hang snatch + 1 x OHS (5 singles of this complex 90 sec rest. )
Increase no more than 2.5kg on last performance.
This is technique bases. Do Not create bad form through a heavy and dangerous weight.
If you missed any of last weeks 5 singles, then stay at that weight.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
7 x Power snatch @40/30kg
7 x LBB
7 x Wallball shots9/6kg