CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Banderd Shoulder Mobility
Wrist stretch 30 sec f/b
Calf Stretch 30 e/s
Glute stretch 30 e/s
Forward Fold 1 min
30 Calf Pumps
3 reps of each Barbell movement
3 reps of loaded barbell movement
WOD set up……3,2,1 Go
Metcon (Time)
“12 Days of Xmas”
1 Thruster
2 Hang Power Cleans
3 Deadlifts
4 Burpees
6 Box Jumps
7 Hand Release Pushups
8 Reverse Lunges
9 Kettlebell Swings
10 AbMat Sit-Ups
11 Wallballs
12 Cal Erg Bike/Row/Ski
Barbell – 60 / 40 kg
Box – 24″/20″
Kettlebell – 24 / 16 kg
Wallball – 9 / 6 kg
(40 Min Cap)