CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Carpark run
High knees x 2
but flicks x 2
side skips x 2
bear crawls x 2
1 lap spiderman lunge
10 wall squats
30 sec Glute stretch E/S
30 sec Lower back/hipflexor stretch E/S
Pass throughs
pass arounds
Snatch Balance
1 x Power Snatch + 1 x Hang Full Snatch (8 min EMOM)
Find a starting weight that allows you to Increase by 2.5-5kg each set if possible.
Record heaviest lift.
Beginners focus on light weight and technique.
Hang Power Snatch (3 x 30 sec On/ 60 sec Off for max reps)
Scale weight as needed.
You must hold the bear for the entire 30 seconds each set, even if your not lifting.
Focus is also on grip strength.
Score total reps over the 3 sets.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
With a partner complete:
9 minute AMRAP:
20m DEADBALL CARRIES @completion of each carry complete:
10 Alt DB snatch@22.5/15kg