CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
1 X 15 each side banded single leg SLDL
1 lap high bum bear crawl
1 lap low bum bear crawl
1 lap Walking lung with rotation
20m walking lunge
30 sec handstand hold
20m walking overhead lunge with light dumbbell
3 kick up an slow decent
20m walking overhead lunge with light dumbbell
@70% 3 TNG reps every 30 seconds x 6 sets
(0:00-2:30)2:30 rest
Go on 5:00 mins for:
@75% 2 TNG reps every 15 seconds x 7 sets
(5:00-6:30)2:30 rest
Go on 9:00 mins for:
@80% 1 rep on every 10 seconds x 8 sets
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
On every 2 mins x 5 sets:
20m Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge @1×22.5/15kg
Max Strict HSPU in remaining time
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
On every 2 mins x 5 sets:
20m Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge @1×22.5/15kg
Max Kipping HSPU in remaining time.
With lighter weight and or DB front rack walk
Max Dumbbell strict press or feet on a box.