We would like to thank all of our past clients who stood by us, our family and our Gym. We have relocated to the Sunshine Coast in Sunny Queensland where we are living our best lives. 

We wish you all the very best for the future.

Now, do some Burpees!

CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit


Twisted Cross 30 sec each side

Puppy Dog Pose 30 sec Front/Sides

Lower back Hipflexor 30 sec each side

Spiderman lunge hold 30 sec each side

Calf Stretch 30 sec each side

30 Calf pumps

2 Rounds

20 single skips


20 Double unders/Singles if need be

8 Alt Reverse lunges

Floor Press (3 Sets 12 Reps 90 rest between working sets)

Buid up and complete 3 sets of 12 reps at the same weight. take 90 sec rest bwteween working sets only.

Aim to go heavier than last weeks 3 x 15 reps.

Metcon (4 Rounds for time)

On Every 5 Minutes x 4 sets

10 Alternating Single DB Reverse Lunges

25 Double Unders

10 DB Alternating Single Devils Press

25 Double Unders

10 Alternating Single DB Hang Clean & Jerk

25 Double Unders

RX Dumbbell Weight= 1 x 22.5/15kg
Move fast & efficiently through each movement working hard for more rest each set.

50 singles if you can not yet do double unders