CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Double carpark Run
1 lap Inchworm
1 lap spideran Lunge (rotation)
10 Leg Swings Forwrd/Lateral
10 Wall Squats
30 Sec Calf Stretch e/s
30 Calf Pumps
10 Scap Pulls
10 Kipping Knee Raises
5 Strict Push-ups
20 Holow Rocks
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
800m Run
3-6-9-12-15-18-15-12-9-6-3 of:
Abmat Sit-ups
Strict Push-ups
Toes To bar
Duel Kettlebell Thrusters 2×16/12kg
800m Run
*Aiming for big time cap.
* If we finish early, Coaches will take you through a stretch session.
Just run and don’t make excuses.
Last resort: 2000m Bike erg
Abmat Sit-ups:
No Subs needed
Strict Push-ups:
From Knees
Toes To Bar:
Knees. to Elbows
Kipping Knee raises
Duel Kettlebell Thrusters:
Reduce weight
Use Closest weighted Dumbbells if there is not enough KB’s.
Same reps each side single arm Thrusters EG, 3 Left then 3 right side.