We would like to thank all of our past clients who stood by us, our family and our Gym. We have relocated to the Sunshine Coast in Sunny Queensland where we are living our best lives. 

We wish you all the very best for the future.

Now, do some Burpees!

CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit


Green banded Mobility

Wrist Stretch Front back

6 Sets (3 each side

Cossack/Spiderman Lunge /Pigeon (5 sec in each position)

30 Red Banded Pull aparts

10 Pass throughs

10 OHS



3 Power Cleans

Snatch Ladder:

3 Snatch High Pulls

3 Power snatch

Establish 1st weight.

Power Snatch (12 minute cap)

Olympic Cycling

For Time:

10 Power Snatches 40/25

8 Power Snatches 50/30

6 Power Snatches 60/35

4 Power Snatches 70/40

2 Power Snatches 80/45

– Scale weights as needed. Aim to make an increase each set. Even if its 1kg.

– Power clean if you can’t go over head

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

“Heavy Machinery”

5 Rounds:

1:00 – Max Calorie Bike Erg

1:00 – Max Power Cleans 60/40 kg

1:00 – Max lateral Bar Burpees

1:00 – Rest

– Conditioning Category: Threshold

– If RX is out of your reach, choose a moderate load on the power clean. One we could cycle for 15+ reps unbroken when fresh.

– The aim of today’s workout is consistency, not just in each round as total reps, but inside each *movement* as well.

– Must stay on each movement for at least 50 sec in every working minute.

-Score is total reps at the completion of the 5 Rounds.


– Scale weight as needed.

– Burpee Step overs bar

– Standard Burpees

– All machines are RX