CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
0:30 PVC Pass Throughs
0:30 PVC Pass arounds
1:00 Minute Banded Pec Stretch e/s
1:30 Minute Puppy Dog Pose (Front/Side/Side)
1:00 Minute Glute stretch e/s
0:30 Spiderman Lunge Hold e/s
30 Red banded pull aparts
3 rounds:
5 Strict Push ups
10 KBS (light/Mod)
10 Air Squats
10 reps empty bar Bench then Build to starting weight.
Bench Press (1 Rep On Every Minute x 8 sets)
Building to a heavy single over 8 reps. Aiming to beat last weeks double.
3 -5 reps at lighter weight every minute x 8.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
4 x 4 minute Amrap (1 minute rest after each round)
3 Double DB Hang Clean & Jerk 2 x 15/10kg
6 Strict Push ups
9 Wallball 9/6kg
*Scoring Total rounds and reps over the 4 sets.
– Carry on wher you ledft off on the previous round.
– Scale DB weight as needed.
– Push ups from knees
– Lighter walball