CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Row 0r Bike 2:00
20 Scorpions F/B
Lower Back/Hip Flexor 0:30 e/s
Spiderman 0:30 E/S
Twisted Cross 0:30
Puppy Dog Pose 0:30 On Roller
30 Banded Good Mornings
30 Banded Glute Bridges
Metcon (Time)
On The 0:
250/200m Row + 3 Deadlifts
On The 2:
500/400m Row + 6 Deadlifts
On The 6:
700/600m Row + 9 Deadlifts
On The 12:
250/200m Row + 3 Deadlifts
On The 14:
500/400m Row + 6 Deadlifts
On The 18:
700/600m Row + 9 Deadlifts
On The 24:
250/200m Row + 3 Deadlifts
On The 26:
500/400m Row + 6 Deadlifts
On The 30:
700/600m Row + 9 Deadlifts
Cap 36:00
RX= 102.5/70kg
*Score is Total Time Remaining after each set as a total.
– Double Distance Bikes
– Ski, 200,400,600m
– Reduce Weight