CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
50 red banded pull-aparts
20 pass throughs
Hip function:
2 laps of walking quad pulls
2 laps of walking high knee pulls
2 laps open close gate
2 laps of alt walking lunges
40 calf pumps
3 sets:
working on todays Dumbbell movements with light weight.
6 alternating DB hang split lunges
5 scap pulls
6 alternating DB hang split clean & jerk
Metcon (Weight)
Super Set x 3 sets.
10 x Double Dumbbell Floor Press @AHAP
Accumulate 30 seconds of L-ring hold.
90 rest.
*Chose own weight for Dumbbell floor press. Aim to use the same weight for the 3 working sets.
Metcon (Time)
Modified CFG “Split Triplet”
5 rounds for time:
5 strict pull-ups
50 Double unders
10 x Single Arm DB Hang Split Snatches @1 x22.5/15kg
10 x Single Arm DB Hang Clean Split Jerks. @1 x22.5/15kg
15 minute cap
*If anyone is having trouble with the movement or cant split feet for injury reasons then:
*Scale to Alt DB Hang Snatches
*Scale to Alt DB Hang clean & Jerk