CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
30 red banded pull aparts
20 red banded pass throughs
Red banded overhead walking lunges x 2 laps
2 sets:
Single-Arm Kettlebell Push Press (left) x 6 reps
Single-Arm Kettlebell Push Press (right) x 6 reps
1 wall walk
2 sets:
Overhead Alternating Reverse Lunges (left) x 6 steps
Overhead Alternating Reverse Lunges (right) x 6 steps
Handstand hold with 10 sec hold
Push Press (3 reps On every 90 seconds x 5 sets.)
Build up and complete the 5 sets at the same weight. Make it a challenging weight that you can perform the movement with GOOD mechanics.
No push jerks and not a weight were your failing reps.
Metcon (No Measure)
16 minute EMOM: (4 sets)
Min 1 – 40 sec Cal Assault Bike
Min 2 – 40 sec Double-Unders
Min 3 – 40 sec HSPU
Min 4 – 100m recovery run
*Break into even groups.
* Assault bike must be used first, add rower in for bigger groups.
*Keep floor clear as possible for Dubz.
*Move fats between sets and make sure to start on the minute. Assault bike isn’t a bludge station. Recovery run is you breather.