CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
60 sec couch stretch each side
2 x 30 sec T-Spine stretch
pass throughs x 20
pass arounds x 10 each way
OHS x 10
Sotts press x 10
Drop snatch x 10
2 sets:
10m each side Over head Kettlebell walk
10m each side Bottoms up KB Carry
10m each side KB Front rack alt lunge
Overhead Squat ( 3 reps On every 90 sec x 4 sets)
Choose own weight.
**Scale to Front Squat if need be.
**Increase weight on both movements if possible.
Then immediately into:
Front Rack Lunge (8 reps On every 90 seconds x 4 sets)
Choose own weight
*Scale to reverse lunges if need be.
Metcon (Time)
4 rounds for time:
10 x Dumbbell Alt Box step-ups @1x 22.5/15kg
10 x Burpee pull-ups