CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
60 sec Couch stretch E/S
Green banded shoulder mobility
Red banded:
Pull-aparts x 20
Pass throughs x 10
OHS x 10
30 sec wrist/forearm stretch
3 Rounds:
5 Dumbbell strict press E/S
5 Dumbbell Hang power snatch E/S
5 scap pulls
5 kipping knee raises
5 strict press
5 Push press
Push Press (3 reps on every min x 8 sets)
Aim to build to a heavy triple of the 8 sets.
Beginners stay light and focus on form.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
12 minute amrap:
Hang Power Snatch @35/20kg
Keep increasing up by 5 reps of both movements until 12 mins is up.