We would like to thank all of our past clients who stood by us, our family and our Gym. We have relocated to the Sunshine Coast in Sunny Queensland where we are living our best lives. 

We wish you all the very best for the future.

Now, do some Burpees!

CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit


“Laziness, doesn’t get a vote.

Frustration, doesn’t get a vote.

Weakness, doesn’t get a vote.

Negativity, doesn’t get a vote.

Only you do.”

– Jocko Willink

Couch Stretch 60 Seconds Each Leg

Green Banded Shoulder Mobility

Glute Stretch 30 Seconds each Side

Lowerback/Hipflexor 30 Seconds Each Side

Wrist Forearm Stretch 30 Seconds Front/Back



1 Round

20 Alternating Shoulder Taps

10 V-Sits

2 Wall Walks

30 Second Superman Hold

20 Second Handstand Hold/Wall walk hold

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Gymnastic Capacity/Skill

AMRAP 1:00 –

Handstand Kick up/Tempo Decent 3 seconds

Rest : 60s

AMRAP 1:00 – Strict HSPU

Rest :60s

AMRAP 1:00 0 Kipping HSPU
Score total reps for each piece.


Min 1: Max Handstand Hold/Wall walk Hold in 1 min.

Min 2: Max Seated DB Strict Press in 1 min.

Min 3: Max DB Push Press in 1 min.

Metcon (Time)

For Time [25 Minute Time Cap]:

150 Double Unders

50 Sit-ups

25 Hang Power Clean

120 Double Unders

40 Sit-ups

20 Hang Power Clean

90 Double Unders

30 Sit-ups

15 Hang Power Clean

60 Double Unders

20 Sit-ups

10 Hang Power Clean

30 Double Unders

10 Sit-ups

5 Hang Power Clean

Every 3 Minutes [Starting at 0:00]:

15/12 Calorie Machine
