We would like to thank all of our past clients who stood by us, our family and our Gym. We have relocated to the Sunshine Coast in Sunny Queensland where we are living our best lives. 

We wish you all the very best for the future.

Now, do some Burpees!

CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit


2 minutes on ERG

1 minute Glute Stretch each side

30 second Spiderman Lunge hold each side

30 Sec Twisted cross each side

30 Sec wrist Stretch


1 Wall Walk with 10 sec Hold

5 Scap Pulls

20 Sec HS-Hold

5 Strict Pull-ups/Ring Rows

10 Hollow Rocks

10 Air Squats


Metcon (No Measure)

Gymnastics Conditioning

7 Min Amrap:

1 Strict HSPU

1 Kipping HSPU

10 Alternating Pistol Squats

2 Strict Push-ups

2 Kipping HSPU

10 Alt Pistols Squats

3 Strict HSPU

3 Kipping HSPU

10 Alt Pistols Squats

Keep building HSPU movements up by 1 rep each set. Pistols Stay the same amount.

If you can’t do strict but you can do kipping HSPU’s, your options:

– Kipping all the way through

– 1 x kick up with 3 sec decent + 1 kipping HSPU

– 1 x Double DB Strict Press + kipping HSPU


Double Dumbbell Strict Press with Double Dumbbell Push Press


Use uprights to balance

Use rings but stay out of the way of HSPU’s

Pistols to box.

Reverse Lunge, elevating back knee to abmat.

Double the amount in air squats.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

16 minute amrap:

Buy In:

75/50 Calorie Bike Erg

Time Remaining:

15 Box Jump Overs

12 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

9 Double DB Power Cleans @22.5’s/15’s

Same Cala on all Ergs.

Assault Bike Cals= 50/35 buy in.


Banded C2B

Kipping/Butterfly Pull-ups

Banded Strict

24 Double DB Bent Over Rows

Double Dumbbell Ppwer Cleans:

18 Single Alt- DB Power Cleans