CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Glute stretch 1 minute each side
Lower Back Hipflexor 30 sec each side
Spiderman lunge hold 30 sec each side
Twisted cross 30 sec each side
4 laps banded crab walks
1 lap inchworm
1 minute machine
1 minute plank hold
Barbell progressions for todays complex
2 Muscle Cleans 1 Pausing High Hang Power Clean 1 Pausing Hang Power Clean 1 Pausing Low Hang Power Clean (On every 90 seconds x 5 Sets)
No Pause in the muscle clean. Pause for 1 second at each Hang position and catch position. This is a Primer purely focusing on technique. Build only to a moderate weight.
Hold onto the bar for the entire complex.
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
Power Clean 60/40kg
Lateral Bar Burpees
Buy out:
800m Row
No buy in but push the pace on the machine to finish todays workout.
Row Subs
Double amount bike erg
Scale Power clean weight as needed
Ski 800m Men/650m for Females