CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Couch stretch 1 min e/s
Spiderman Lunge Hold with Rotation
Calf Stretch 30 e/s
30 Calf Pumps
Wrist 30 sec F/B
10 Forward Shoulder Circles
10 Backwards Shoulder Circles
5 Inchworm 1 push-up
20 banded pull aparts
10 Pass Throughs
10 Press
3 x 20 sec HS-Hold/Wall walk holds (30 rest)
Barbell Tech
10 Wrist rotations
5 Power cleans
6 mins to build up to 70% of your first working weight, go heavier and come back to starting weight if you have time.
Metcon (Weight)
On The 2:00 x 6 Sets:
5-10 Kipping Handstand Push-ups
3 Touch & Go Power Cleans
Athletes chooses the total of HSPU’s, within the intention on each set being completed unbroken.
Keep in mind, you need to complete HSPU, Power cleans and increase weight within each 2 minute block.
Set 1 – 70% of 1RM Power Clean
Set 2 – 72.5% of 1RM Power Clean
Set 3 – 75% of 1RM Power Clean
Sets 4-6 Build to a heavy triple for the day
*Score is the last successful Power clean weight of TNG reps.
Use raises
Double DB Push Press
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
4 Sets of AMRAP 3, resting 3:00 between (21:00)
Part 1 – AMRAP 3:
50 Double-unders
Max Power Cleans 52.5/37.5kg
Rest 3:00
Part 2 – AMRAP 3:
50 Double-unders
Max Power Cleans 60/42.5kg
Rest 3:00
Part 3 – AMRAP 3:
50 Double-unders
Max Power Cleans 70/47.5kg
Rest 3:00
Part 4 – AMRAP 3:
50 Double-unders
Max Power Cleans 85/60kg
*The aim is to increase the weight each set so we are focusing on strength straight off our conditioning piece, not to much volume.
100 Single skips
Reduce weight as needed.