CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
1. Banded Shoulder Mobility
2. Wrist Stretch 30 e/s
1. Glute stretch 1 min e/s
2. Lower backhipflexor 30 e/s
3. Calf Stretch 20 e/s
2 rounds:
20m halo Crab walks
10m Overhead Dumbbell Carry each way
20m Bear Crawl
10 Wrist rotations
3 Strict press
3 Push Press
3 Push Jerks
2 Push Jerks 2 Sec Pause in catch
1 Push jerk (normal speed)
2 Pausing Push Jerks + 1 Push Jerk (On Every 90 sec x 5)
2 Second pause in catch position.
– Do Not build heavy on this lift. No Heavier than 60% of your 1Rm C&J. This all about technique.
– Spending time in the partial squat receiving position, which is naturally an uncomfortable place to be.
– The limiting factor for many of us may be mobility. Take our time here as movement quality is far more important than reaching any pre-determined percentages.
Metcon (Time)
“Eighth Wonder”
8 Rounds:
8 Push Jerks 60 / 40 kg
8 Lateral Bar Burpees
(20 min cap)
– Ligher Barbell
– Double Dumbbell
– Lateral Step Over Bar