CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Green banded mobility
Red banded mobility
10 shuttle runs
4 laps side skips
2 laps high knees
2 laps but flicks
leg swing forward & lateral
lap spiderman lunge
lap inchworm 1 push up
20 scorpions front/back
Glute stretch
L-Sit (3 x 30 work/30 Recovery)
L ring holds on rings. Try to maintain straight leg postion. Scale back to knee raise hold on rings.
Strict Press (4 sets 3 reps 90 sec rest)
Keep tight throughout. No assistance through knees or hips. Lock bar out to full extension.
Week 1 Start @55% of 1RM Clean & Jerk.
Increase by 2.5kg-5 kg per week.
Metcon (Time)
10 RFT:
5 S20 @50/35kg
12 min cap