CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
carpark run
Anterior seated shoulder stretches
Posterior delt/lat stretch
Puppy dog stretch
20 x PVC pass throughs
10 pass arounds each way
10 Over head squats
10 snatch balance
10 Zotts press
30 sec spiderman lunge hold E/S
30 sec Glute stretch
60 sec hammy stretch
3 rounds:
5 scap pulls
5 kipping swings
5 strict push ups
Power Snatch (4 sets 3 reps TNG 90 sec rest )
Complete 4 sets 3 reps with a 2.5kg increase on last on week 2. Only increase if you were successful with all 4 working sets.
Reps need to be TNG!
90 sec rest between each working set.
Metcon (Time)
For time:
Squat snatch @42.5/30kg
Double unders
8 min cap
*Scale to power snatch