CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Couch Stretch 1 minute each side
Lower back/hipflexor 30 sec each side
Spiderman Lunge Hold 30 sec each side
Puppy Dog Pose 30 seconds
30 sec Wrist Stretch
Calf stretch 30 seconds each side
30 Calf pumps
50 Red banded Pull aparts
10 Pass Throughs
3 Push Press
3 Push Jerk
3 Split Jerk
1 round of complex
Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk (8 Minute emom)
From The Rig complete the above complex:
1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk.
If you are building to a heavy single, make sure the Push Press, remains a Push Press. The first movement will determine your finishing weight.
Metcon (Time)
For Time
800m Run
30 Pull-ups
30 Thrusters 50/35kg
400m Run
15 Pull-ups
15 Thrusters 50/35kg
(20 min cap)
Machines should be last resort!! Don’t let your mind make excuses for you!
800m Run:
1000 Row
2000m Bike erg
800m Ski erg
50/35 Cal Assault Bike
400m Run:
500m Row
1000m Bike erg
400m Ski
25/18 Cal Assault Bike
Kipping/Butterfly Pull-ups
Ring Rows
Reduce weight as needed.
Front Squats
Dumbbell Thrusters