We would like to thank all of our past clients who stood by us, our family and our Gym. We have relocated to the Sunshine Coast in Sunny Queensland where we are living our best lives. 

We wish you all the very best for the future.

Now, do some Burpees!

CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit


20 Scorpions Front/Back

20 sec lower back/hipflexor each side

30 sec glute stretch each side

30 sec Puppy Dog Pose

30 Sec Twisted Cross each side

30 sec calf stretch E/S

30 Calf pumps


30 Red banded Pull aparts

10 Pass Throughs

10 Press each side

10 Hollow Rocks

30 Sec Superman Hold

10 Scap Pulls (Bar/Rings)

10 Kipping Swings (Bar/Rings)

5 Strict Pull-ups (Bar/Rings)

30 Muscle-Ups (Time)

30 muscle-ups for time
(15 minute Cap)

Test: Gymnastics Benchmark

* If you do not complete under the time cap, score the total reps you completed in the 15 minutes.


30 Bar Muscle-ups

50 Chest To Bar Pull-ups

50 Butterfly/Kipping Pull-ups

50 Strict Pull-ups

Metcon (Time)

5 Sets:

10 Double Kettlebell RussianSwings

10 Double Kettklebell Push Press

400 Run

1 Rope Climb

Rest 1 min

RX Kettlebell= 2×16/12kg

Score for total time, making sure to take the 1 minute rest each round.
These are all out effort each round. Goo hard but keep form together.


Lighter Kettlebells

Last resort, bike erg: 1000/800m

Attempt to Climb rope as high as possible or 3 laying to standing efforts.