CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Front Rack 0:30
Puppy Dog Pose 0:30
Twisted Cross 0:30 e/s
Wrist 0:30
Glute 0:30 e/s
Spiderman Lunge Hold 0:30 e/s
Calf 0:20 e/s
30 calf Pumps
10 Barbell Wrist Rotations
3 Front squats
3 Power Clean
3 Hang Power Clean
3 Hang Squat Clean
1 Round of Complex
1 Clean Pull 1 Hang Clean Pull 1 Power Clean 1 Hang Power Clean (Go E90 x 5 Set)
Metcon (Time)
On The 4:00 x 5 Rounds:
50 Double-Unders
300/250m Row
10 Hang Squat Cleans 50/35kg
Recording your slowest round.