CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
PVC pipe warm-up )pass throughs, pass arounds,OHS)
800m run
Leg swings forward/lateral
10 x inchworm + 1 push-up
10 x wall squats
20 x scorpions front/back
Lower back/hipflexor stretch
Glute stretch 30 sec E/S
1: Metcon (Weight)
3 Sets for quality of:
30 sec HS Hold
10 x BB Strict Press (Choose own load)
30 sec L-ring hold (must accumulate)
10 x BB Bent over row (same load as SP)
2 mins rest between sets.
*Make sure all movements are performed strict, full range of movement & stick to the time limit for L-sit,
Metcon (No Measure)
12 min EMOM:
Min 1- 5 Burpee + 20 Double unders
Min 2- 7 Box jumps @30/24inch
Min 3- 5-8 C2B. (Scale 5 strict)
*Try hang in there, this is a tough one!
800m Run (Time)
Max Effort 800m Run
Make sure to give it everything and record your times!!!