CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
red banded internal/external rotation x 15 E/S
30 nose bridges
20 banded pass throughs
Rotate in even groups:
60 sec row
60 sec bike
60 sec plank
60 sec L-ring hold or as long as possible in the minute.
Max Strict Pull-ups (3 sets of max strict pull-ups (90 sec rest)
Aim is to get minium 5 reps each round. Use a band and get volumr up if you cannot yet do this amount @body weight.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
7 min amrap:
5 pull ups (kipping/butterfly)
10 Alt DB snatch@22.5/15kg
15 air squats
10 Pull-ups
15 Alt DB snatch
20 air squats
15 pull-ups
20 Alt DB snatch
25 Air squats
20 pull-ups
25 Alt DB snatch
30 Air squats
Reload back to top and start again.
Above = 210 reps
Score total reps
Females ONLY
This is max effort lactate sprint
30 cal Assault Bike (Time)
Males ONLYFemales ONLY
This is max effort lactate sprint