CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Green Banded Shoulder Mobility
3 rounds:
10/7 Cal Ski
3 inch worm 1 push up
10 Banded Glute bridges
20 Sec Handstand Hold or wall walk hold
Ring Dips (8 min emom x 3-5 reps)
Scale to stationary dips or 8 box dips. Use bands if needed.
Record total amount over the 8 sets.
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
3:00 minutes ON/3:00 minutes OFF: (x 4sets/24:00 mins)
300/200m Row/Ski
20 KBS@24/16kg
Remaining time:
Max Kipping HSPU
*Record max HSPU each set.
*Scale to max seated DB strict press.