CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
1 x round of 10 internal/external rotation
30 red banded nose bridges
4 x 20/10 Tabata row
4 x 20/10 Assault Bike
4 x 20/10 Slamball
5 inchworm 1 push up on the spot
30 sec spiderman lunge hold
30 sec glute stretch
Max Strict Pull-ups (3 sets max reps 90 sec rest )
Must get minimum 5 reps each round.
Metcon (No Measure)
(2 sets)
Min 1- 30 sec Hollow rocks
Min 2- 30 sec L-ring Hold
Min 3- 30 sec Overhead Plate sit up @20/15kg
Min 4- 30 sec Handstand push ups (deficit if poss)
Min 5- 30 sec Max T2B
Metcon (Time)
Sprint wod For time:
20 x cal Row
15 x box jump overs
10 x bar muscle up or C2B pull ups
8 min cap