CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
20 Scorpions + 20 Ironcross
30 Sec Lower back/Hipflexor each side
30 Sec Twisted Cross Each Side
30 Sec Samson Stretch each side
30 Sec Couch stretch each side
2 Rounds:
200m row/ski-400m Bike erg
15 Green Banded SLDL
10 Scap Pulls
5 Burpee to target
5 Strict Press
5 Snatch Pull
5 Power Snatch
5 Power Snatch with working weight.
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
50 Lateral Bar Burpee
1600/1400m Machine
75 Power Snatches @35/25kg
1600/1400m Machine
25 Strict Pull-ups
Row/Ski-Erg =1600/1400m
Bike-Erg = 3200/2800m
Power Snatch:
Scale Weight as Needed.
Strict Pull-ups:
Barbell Bent Over Row