Meal prep is so helpful in a lot areas of your life, not only will help you to eat healthy, but will save time and money.
Imagine walking home, after a busy workday, you’re tired and in a hurry you need to get to the gym because you don’t want to miss your 6:30pm class and you haven’t eaten yet, youll end up eating any food you find in your way or worst not eating at all. Now, imagine a different scenario where within a few minutes of walking through the door you have a delicious home-cooked dinner, and perhaps even lunch packed-up for the next day, doesn’t that sounds awesome?
Meal preping doesn’t have to be hard or exhausting and we will give you some tips on how to get started.
- Choose a day to Meal prep: Choose a day of the week where you know you can spend some time cooking your food for the week, set that day for only that intention will be easier to accomplish your goal.
- Plan a Menu: Meal preping doesn’t have to be boring or plaing food, you can add your favorites appetizers with different source of protein, make sure to include something you really enjoy in your daily food so you have something to look for. Could be black beans, fish, etc.
- Focus on food that take longer to cook: On your meal prep day, focus first on foods that take the longest to cook: proteins like chicken and fish; whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and farro; dried beans and legumes; and, roasted vegetables.
- Multi-task! While foods are baking or bubbling on the stovetop, chop vegetables and fresh fruit, or wash and dry salad greens for later in the week.
- Label everything: It’s important to label the food with dates and even what’s inside so you’re 100% sure whats inside your container.
- Can help save money
- Can ultimately save time
- Can help with weight control, as you decide the ingredients and portions served
- Can contribute to an overall more nutritionally balanced diet
- Can reduce stress as you avoid last minute decisions about what to eat, or rushed preparation