CrossFit Inventive – Bullet Proof
10 DB Strict Press e.s
10 Scap Push-ups
10 Scap Pulls
30s Hollow Hold
30s Plank Hold
Metcon (Weight)
Barbell Bench Press
Increase Loads each set.
Rest 2 mins between each set.
Record Heavy 5.
Sub Dumbbells
Dumbbell Shoulder Shrugs
4 x 10 @AHAP
90s Rest
Build or stay the same load.
Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press
5 Sets 6 Reps e.s
Aim For Challenging Loads.
90s Rest after booth arms are complete.
Barbell Reverse Curls
Overhand grip
Keep elbows tucked at side
Squeeze at the top
Bring back to full extension
4 Sets 12-15 Reps
90s rest.
Light Loads.
Supine GHD Hold (4 Rounds for time)
4 Rounds of 30s efforts
60s rest after each effort.
Sub Hollow Hold or Plank Hold.