CrossFit Inventive – Bullet Proof
“Midline” (No Measure)
3 Rounds: “Quality”
30 Hollow Rocks
20 Side Plank Pulses e.s
15 Strict Knee Raises
Banded Chest Fly’s (3 x 20)
Super Set With:
10 Strict Push-ups
2 Mins Rest
Metcon (No Measure)
Complete Rounds Alternating between the following:
10 each side: 10 Single arm seated dumbbell strict press
10 each side: 10 single arm dumbbell rows
* Aim to go as heavy as possible with good form.
* First set, a moderate warm-up set.
* Rest 2 Minutes
Metcon (Weight)
“Barbell Finisher”
Hold Barbell Throughout!
3 Sets:
10 Upright Rows
10 Reverse Curls
10 Push Press
10 Bicep Curls
Rest 2 Mins
* Aim 20/15kg Empty Barbell