CrossFit Inventive – Bullet Proof
2 Rounds
10 Banded Lat Rows From Rig
5 Stationary Split Squats e.s
5 HRPU’s [Down slow/Up fast]
Strict Pull-ups (4xMax)
Use a band if you can’t get 5 or more
Rest 2min between sets
Supinated Barbell Row (3×10)
Palms facing forward
Shoulder width grip
Keep elbows close to body
Squeeze at the top
Same weight for 3 sets
Rest 90sec between sets
Bulgarian Split Squats (3×12 each leg)
Same weight for 3 sets
Rest 90sec between sets
Leaning Lateral DB Raises (3×15)
Same weight for 3 sets
Rest 90sec between sets
Cross Body DB Curls (3×12 each arm)
Keep elbow stationary
Wrists locked
Bring DB to chest
Don’t swing DB
Same weight for 3 sets
Rest 90sec between sets