We would like to thank all of our past clients who stood by us, our family and our Gym. We have relocated to the Sunshine Coast in Sunny Queensland where we are living our best lives. 

We wish you all the very best for the future.

Now, do some Burpees!

CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit



10 Scorpions F/B

Lower Back/Hipflexor 30s e.s

Twisted Cross 30s e.s

3 Way Puppy Dog Pose 30s each

Pigeon 1:00 e.s


3 Laps Each With Partner: Reverse Banded Walks

5 Inchworm 1 Push-up

1 Wall Walk/As Close as possible/10m Bear Crawl

1 Light Set of 5 Reps, Deficit Deadlifts

(Stand On 25kg Plate)

Beginners Stay Light and focus on form.

Deficit Deadlift

Deadlift standing on 25kg weight plate. Pulling weight from the floor.
4 Sets 5 Reps.

@same Load

It’s a new movement to most. Establish one load that is challenging enough to work hard but maintaining a flat back.


more load on the hamstring

more demanding on the lower back

20 min cap (Time)


3 Rounds For Time:

21 Cal Row

7 Wall Walks

30m Double Kettlebell Reverse Farmers Carries 32/24kgs


3 Rounds For Time:

21 Cal Row

7 Wall Walks As Close As Possible

30m Double Kettlebell Reverse Farmers Carries 24/16kgs


3 Rounds For Time:

21 Cal Row

40m Bear Crawl

30m Double Kettlebell Farmers Carries (Choose Load)

Reverse Carries:

– Walk Backwards

– Not Fast

– Stay focused

– feel the Quad burn

– 30m at once