CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
10 Scorpions F/B
Lower Back/Hipflexor 30s e.s
Twisted Cross 30s e.s
3 Way Puppy Dog Pose 30s each
Pigeon 1:00 e.s
3 Laps Each With Partner: Reverse Banded Walks
5 Inchworm 1 Push-up
1 Wall Walk/As Close as possible/10m Bear Crawl
1 Light Set of 5 Reps, Deficit Deadlifts
(Stand On 25kg Plate)
Beginners Stay Light and focus on form.
Deficit Deadlift
Deadlift standing on 25kg weight plate. Pulling weight from the floor.
4 Sets 5 Reps.
@same Load
It’s a new movement to most. Establish one load that is challenging enough to work hard but maintaining a flat back.
more load on the hamstring
more demanding on the lower back
20 min cap (Time)
3 Rounds For Time:
21 Cal Row
7 Wall Walks
30m Double Kettlebell Reverse Farmers Carries 32/24kgs
3 Rounds For Time:
21 Cal Row
7 Wall Walks As Close As Possible
30m Double Kettlebell Reverse Farmers Carries 24/16kgs
3 Rounds For Time:
21 Cal Row
40m Bear Crawl
30m Double Kettlebell Farmers Carries (Choose Load)
Reverse Carries:
– Walk Backwards
– Not Fast
– Stay focused
– feel the Quad burn
– 30m at once