We would like to thank all of our past clients who stood by us, our family and our Gym. We have relocated to the Sunshine Coast in Sunny Queensland where we are living our best lives. 

We wish you all the very best for the future.

Now, do some Burpees!

CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit



Banded Upper

10 Scorpions F/B

5 Inchworm 1 Push-ups

5 Squat To Hamstring

30 Slow Calf Pumps


30s Skipping

10 Scap Pulls

6 Barbell Clean & Jerks

6 Barbell Power Snatches

Strict Pull-ups

15 Sets:

5-7 Wide Grip Strict Pull-ups

* Aim to EMOM

* Rest as needed between sets.

Aim to get each set unbroken.

25 minute Cap (Time)


3 Sets For Time:

40 x Double Unders

10 x Clean and Jerks @ 40/30kg

40 x Double Unders

10 x Clean and Jerks

Rest 2 mins then

40 x Double Unders

10 x Power Snatches @ 40/30kg

40 x Double Unders

10 x Power Snatches

Rest 2 mins

*Make sure to take the correct amount of rest!!!


3 sets of;

40 x Double Unders/Double in Singles

10 x Clean and Jerks @35/25kg

40 x Double Unders

10 x Clean and Jerks

Rest 2 mins then

40 x Double Unders

10 x Power Snatches @35/25kg

40 x Double Unders

10 x Power Snatches

Rest 2 mins


3 sets of;

80 x Single-unders

10 x Dumbbell Clean and Jerks

80 x Single-unders

10 x Clean and Jerks

Rest 2 mins then

80 x Single-unders

10 x Dumbbell Power Snatches @ 35kg

80 x Single-unders

10 x Dumbbell Power Snatches

Rest 2 mins