CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Frog stretch 2 mins
Ankle mobility 1 min each side (use heavy KB)
10 x SLDL to Squat
10 x Squat to Thoracic Rotations
40 Calf pumps
10 x Scap pulls
10 x HRPU down slow/up fast
With partner complete assisted:
20m Green banded high knees
20m Green banded reverse strides
Metcon (No Measure)
“Strong Man”
15 mins to build to a heavy reverse sled pull.
After each effort complete 1 x 10m plate push @20/15kg
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 minute amrap of:
3/2 Muscle ups (ring or bar)
6 Alt DB Squat snatch
45 Double unders
*Try banded muscle up/C2B/Kipping
* Choose own weight on the DB squat snatch
* Scale Squat snatch to power snatch
* Double amount of singles