CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Green banded mobility
Red banded mobility
10 shuttle runs
4 laps side skips
2 laps high knees
2 laps but flicks
leg swing forward & lateral
lap spiderman lunge
lap inchworm 1 push up
20 scorpions front/back
Glute stretch
Metcon (Weight)
10 Min EMOM:
1 x Deadlift + 2 x Hang power clean
Set a goal & Increase weight over the 10 sets where possible.
Focus on good technique.
Metcon (No Measure)
7 min EMOM:
7 SDHP @35/25KG +
7 Burpee
All in same minute.
Rest 5 mins into:
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
6 min AMRAP:
9 Ab mat sit ups
9 Normal Push ups
9 Hang power clean @35/25kg
Go hard out on this one!