CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
10 PvC pipe passthroughs
10 pass arounds each way
10 OHS
10 shutlle runs
4 laps side skips
2 laps high knees
2 laps butt kickers
10 leg swings forward/lateral
5 inchworm 1 push up
1 lap spiderman lunge
20 scorpions
Lower back/hammy stretch
Glute stretch
Clean and Jerk (Work 90% x 1 rep + weekly increase)
Work to 90% of your 1RM Clean & Jerk week 1 for a single.
Target 5kg increase / week if Clean single is above 100kg.
Target 2.5kg increase / week if Clean single is below 100kg.
Hang Power Clean (2 x 30 Max rep 60 sec rest)
Keep tight & efficient throughout the 30 seconds. Try to add 2.5kg increase on this lift as well.
Metcon (Time)
5 RFT:
20 x KBS @24/16kg
10 Power cleans @70/45kg
15 min cap