CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Green banded mobility
Red banded Mobility
10 shuttle runs
4 laps side skips
2 laps high knees
2 laps but flicks
leg swing forward & lateral
lap spiderman lunge
lap inchworm 1 push up
20 scorpions front/back
Lower back/hip flexor stretch
Glute stretch
Overhead Squat (2 reps on every 90 sec for 5 sets)
On every 90 sec complete 2 reps for 5 sets.
No more than 2.5kg on week 2’s performance.
Metcon (No Measure)
For time:
12 min EMOM:
Min 1- 12 x Power snatch @35/20kg
Min 2- 8-12 x T2B
Min 3- 5 x fast Burpee 2 target.
*power snatch needs to be fast & unbroken if possible.
T2B needs to be minimum 8, max 12 if your efficient.