We would like to thank all of our past clients who stood by us, our family and our Gym. We have relocated to the Sunshine Coast in Sunny Queensland where we are living our best lives. 

We wish you all the very best for the future.

Now, do some Burpees!

CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit


Frog Stretch 2 mins

Couch Stretch 60 seconds each side

Table Top Stretch 30 seconds

30 Second wrist forearm F/B

Puppy dog pose 30 sec

Twisted cross 30 E/S



20 Halo Glute Bridges

10 Good Mornings

10 Back Squats

3 Hang Snatch High Pulls

3 Hang Power Snatch


Back Squat (12-6-3)

Week 4:

Aim to push each set up on weight by 2.5-5kg max each working Set.

Back Squat “12-6-3”

12 Reps @ 105% of 10RM Back Squat

6 Reps @ 110% of 10RM Back Squat

3 Reps @ 117.5% of 10RM Back Squat


Working heavier percentages of your 10RM Back Squat in this piece

We’ll start with lighter weights/high reps and move towards heavier weights/lighter reps over these 3 sets

If you don’t have a 10RM test completed, you can estimate your 10RM as roughly 75% of your 1RM Max or 85% of your 5RM

Rest as needed between sets to maintain quality movement and unbroken sets

Metcon (Time)

“Empty Calories”


Machine Calories

Hang Power Snatch


(17 min cap)
*Scale weight as needed.

*Equal Calorie Any Machine (To Maintain Rep Scheme)

*Hang Power Clean if you have any overhead issues.