CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Frog Stretch 2 mins
Couch Stretch 60 seconds each side
Table Top Stretch 30 seconds
30 Second wrist forearm F/B
Puppy dog pose 30 sec
Twisted cross 30 E/S
20 Halo Glute Bridges
10 Good Mornings
10 Back Squats
3 Hang Snatch High Pulls
3 Hang Power Snatch
Back Squat (12-6-3)
Week 4:
Aim to push each set up on weight by 2.5-5kg max each working Set.
Back Squat “12-6-3”
12 Reps @ 105% of 10RM Back Squat
6 Reps @ 110% of 10RM Back Squat
3 Reps @ 117.5% of 10RM Back Squat
Working heavier percentages of your 10RM Back Squat in this piece
We’ll start with lighter weights/high reps and move towards heavier weights/lighter reps over these 3 sets
If you don’t have a 10RM test completed, you can estimate your 10RM as roughly 75% of your 1RM Max or 85% of your 5RM
Rest as needed between sets to maintain quality movement and unbroken sets
Metcon (Time)
“Empty Calories”
Machine Calories
Hang Power Snatch
(17 min cap)
*Scale weight as needed.
*Equal Calorie Any Machine (To Maintain Rep Scheme)
*Hang Power Clean if you have any overhead issues.