CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Frog Stretch 60 sec
Glute stretch 30 sec E/S
Spiderman lunge hold with rotation 30 sec E/S
Puppy Dog Pose 30 seconds
2 rounds:
3 inchworms 1 push-up
5 single arm thrusters each side
200m Machine/Run
Metcon (Time)
Double Dumbbell Clusters
200 Meter Run/250m Row
= 55 rep
The big movement on paper is the double dumbbell cluster, also referred to as a squat clean thruster
This is one of the most effective movements out there, as it requires us to work through a very large range of motion
After each round of clusters, you’ll complete a 200 meter run
We expect this workout to take around 15-20 minutes to complete
In the start of each clean, touch one head of the dumbbell to the ground
Squat clean the weight and drive it overhead with no re-bend of the knees
We’re ideally choosing a moderate set of dumbbells that allows you to complete 10+ reps unbroken when fresh
Understanding that everyone has different weights available at home, there are some other option
Heavier Weight Option: Complete 4-5 Reps Per Round (Reduces Reps From 55 to 40-50)
Lighter Weight Option: Complete 6-8 Reps Per Round (Increase Reps From 55 to 60-80)
Click Here to see a demo of the double dumbbell cluster
250 Meter Row or Ski
20 x 10 Meter Shuttle Runs
30 Mountain Climbers
Single Dumbbell Clusters
Barbell Clusters
Odd Object Clusters
Stamina Squats (Weight)
On the 1:30 x 7 Sets:
2 Front Squat
4 Back Squats
Week 1 @60% of 1 RM Front Squat
We’re back to a new iteration of stamina squats after a week of de-loading
In this new version, we are:
Increasing our volume per set to 2+4 from 1+3
Extending the work window to 1:30 from 1:00
For this week, we will reset to our starting percentage of 60%
We will grow in percentages in this format over the next 4 weeks
Score is the 63% load you use throughout the 7 sets
As a reminder:
The barbell comes from the rack
Rack the bar and transition directly from the front squats to the back squats
All 6 reps should be completed within the 90 second window
Rounds begin on the 0:00-1:30-3:00-4:30-6:00-7:30-9:00
Metcon (Time)
“Ceiling Fan”
For Time (15 Minute Cap):
21 Clean and Jerks @70/42.5kg
100 Double Unders
21 Clean and Jerks @70/42.5kg
On the Minute: 5 Wallballs @9/6kg
The wallballs will interrupt your progress as your try to work through reps on the barbell and jump rope
Every minute on the minute, you’ll complete 5 heavy wallballs
With whatever time remains in the minute, work through as many reps as possible of clean and jerks or double unders
Pick up wherever you left off following the 5 wallballs
Your score is the total time it takes you to complete the 3 stations
There is a 15 minute time cap on this workout
We’re looking to move a moderate weight clean and jerk in this workout
This should be a load that you can complete for 12+ reps unbroken when fresh
Within the workout, these are likely small sets or quick singles
If you have the capacity to do over 100 double unders unbroken, let’s complete the prescribed numbers
If you’re under that number, consider reducing the reps or choosing a variation that you can complete within 2 minutes when fresh
See further down the page for “subs”
They should be performed unbroken at the top of each minute
If you only have a lighter weight available, complete 7 reps on the minute