CrossFit Inventive – Olympic Weightlifting
Foam Roll Lats 1:00 e/s
1:00 T-Spine On Roller
1:00 Puppy Dog Pose On Roller
Frog 2:00
Spiderman Lunge Hold 0:30 e/s
3 sets
8 Banded Z-Press 1:1 with Partner
3 Snatch Deadlift
3 Snatch High Pulls
3 Power Snatch
3 Squat Snatch
Snatch Grip Deadlift + Snatch High Pull + Power Snatch (“Primer” GO E90 x 7)
Stay Moderate, perfecting your positions.
– Consistent Power Position
– Tight Bar-path
– High Elbows
– Reach full extension at the hips
– Pull under the bar fast
– Catch with Tight Shoulders
1 Pausing Power Snatch 1 Pausing Squat Snatch (GOE 90 x 7 )
Focus is on a solid catch.
Pausing for 2 seconds on the catch in the Power Snatch & the Squat Snatch.
If you cant hold the catch, you have gone to heavy.
Power Snatch (Volume: 1 Rep Every 15 Seconds x 20 (6 mins))
Choose a weight you can manage with no miises. Something that slightly Challenges your form but you can handle for 20 reps