CrossFit Inventive – Olympic Weightlifting
Frog 2:00
Couch 1:00
Banded Shoulder Mobility
Banded Ankle Mobility
20 PVC Pass Throughs
10 Pass Arounds
10 OHS
5 Snatch Balance
3 Snatch Pulls
3 Power Snatch
3 Snatch Balance
3 Squat snatch
Snatch Balance (“Primer “ Emom x 8 x 1 Rep)
Focus on getting under the bar safe and tight.
No need to go heavy!
Snatch Pull + Snatch (Go Every 90 x 7)
Snatch Pull: focus on keeping a tight bar path. Explode hips and shrugs.
Building safely.
Snatch can be power, full or mix of both.
Hang Snatch (3 Reps ONE 90 x 6)
Aim to build safely over the 6 sets.
These can be hang power or hang squat snatch.
If you need to pull under the heavier loads you will need to squat snatch.
Beginners stay light and focus on technique.