CrossFit Inventive – Olympic Weightlifting
1:00 Foam Rolling Lats
Spiderman 0:30 e/s
Frog 2:00
Puppy Dog Pose on Roller 1:00
Barbell Snatch Grip T-Spine Over Roller 1:00
30 banded pull aparts
10 Pass Throughs
10 OHS
10 Barbell Good Mornings
3 Snatch High Pulls
3 Muscle Snatch
3 Power Snatch 2 sec pause in catch
3 OHS 2 Sec pause in bottom
3 Squat Snatch 2 Sec Pause in Catch
3 Power Snatch @ Normal Pace
1 Pausing Power Snatch 1 Pausing Squat Snatch (EMOM 7)
Working on a solid receiving position.
Two second pause in the Power & Squat Snatch Catch (Receiving Position)
If you don’t feel comfortable when you catch, take the time to fix your feet, then stand the weight up to full extension.
Build only enough to challenge your catch.
Metcon (Weight)
10 Reps For Total Load:
EMOM 10: 1 Power Snatch.
– Athletes chose own loading here based on what they believe will maximise their score.
– Score is Total Load Lifted Over The 10 Lifts.
Muscle Snatch (10 Mins to Build to a safe but challenging 1 Rep)
Working on the upper body pulling strength.
Go In your own time, resting as needed between lifts.
Make sure your NOT pulling back under the barbell to catch.