We would like to thank all of our past clients who stood by us, our family and our Gym. We have relocated to the Sunshine Coast in Sunny Queensland where we are living our best lives. 

We wish you all the very best for the future.

Now, do some Burpees!

CrossFit Inventive – Olympic Weightlifting

Warm-up (No Measure)

2 minute Frog stretch

60 sec couch stretch

60 sec ankle mobility



3 Clean pulls

3 muscle cleans

3 power cleans

3 Hang power clean

3 Front squats

3 squat cleans

5 split stance press


Hang Clean (1 rep on every 90 sec x 8 sets )

Starty light to Moderate & build over the 8 sets.

Record heaviest successful lift.

1 Power clean + 1 Split jerk (10 mins to build to heavy single)

10 mins to build to heavy single from an empty bar.