CrossFit Inventive – Olympic Weightlifting
Couch stretch x 60 each side
Wallball T-Spine stretch 2 x 45 sec
Green banded ankle mobility x 30-45 sec each side
Barbell Complex
Clean pull x 3
Muscle Clean x 3
Power clean x 3
Front Squat x 3
Squat Cleans x 3
Push Jerks x 3
Split Jerk x 3
1 Clean Pull + 1 Power Clean + Jerk (On every 2 mins x 5 sets)
Hold the bar for all three movements.
Start light & Build to roughly 70% of your 1RM C&J.
Clean and Jerk (1 rep On every 90 sec x 8 sets )
Start @70% of your 1RM and make small increases aiming to Finish with a safe but heavy single.